My special day started yesterday when my honey sent me off to Amenity Day Spa for a massage & pedicure. He called, selected the services, scheduled the time, paid for the goods, even the gratuity. He knows I love good massage and well pedicures....with spring upon us I live in flip flops pretty much until October. This is being followed up today with his rockin' beef stew for dinner. Perfect dinner for a chilly day. The house smells fabulous.
Also, the Mei Tai I ordered just arrived yesterday - what perfect timing. It was like a gift to myself for the day. Once I get the hang of wearing it and play around with it a little, I will post more. I tried it out for a bit yesterday and it seemed pretty darn comfy.
So the bad news....this spring weather has given me a lovely cold. Last night was better than Friday night - I could breathe for the most part, but I still have the itchy throat and cough. This means I have been super duper anal with the Clorox wipes. I am so doped up on cough & cold meds that I don't know if I can take my allergy meds. I don't know where the cold ends and allergies begin. The weather wouldn't have played such a part if I weren't standing in the wet grass talking to the tow truck driver on Friday afternoon to get my car to the dealership. That post will come later in the week....another story for another day since I get irked just thinking about it.
Feel free to enjoy the picture of Ricky checking out the chandelier (sitting in his new Bumbo). Ceiling fixtures (especially fans) are like baby crack. Oh...the tongue is the new thing. It is out ALL THE TIME. He'll be catching flies pretty soon.
Happy Mommas Day girlie... I'm glad to hear that Rick treated you like the true Queen that you are!! Love you tons, and hope you love your MT as much as I do... God is it a Saving grace for me!!
Happy 1st Mommy's Day!! I am glad to hear that it was great!!
Love ya!!
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