Pookie and I woke up on Thursday morning after a fitful Wednesday evening, with little to no sleep due to nerves, to head to the hospital at 6am for my induction. Yes, I said induction. Remember the BP issues and the preeclampsia concerns? I talked about there here and here. So, in order to avoid anything like HELLP or other sorts of preeclampsia related concerns, we decided to induce. I was 38 weeks 5 days so the baby was perfectly fine. We arrived at the hospital, got all checked in and was settled into my labor & delivery suite. Doc arrived and administered the prostaglandin hoping to coerce my cervix into opening and kick contractions into occurring. We also repeated all of the preeclampsia labwork as well.
Well....after about 3 hours it was clear that Ricky needed a little coaxing to get moving and the prostaglandin wasn't working. Around noon we started the pitocin and contractions came soon therafter. I had a nice contraction pattern but after another 5 hours, they hadn't increased in intensity and it was clear I was at a plateau. Doc arrived, checked my cervix and said "I'm giving you One". One lousy freaking centimeter is all I was dilated! At this point, I would have normally been sent home as a failed induction (what an awful phrase!), but my labwork from that morning indicated that levels were still climbing, we didn't want to chance something bad happening and having an emergent situation. The epidural was administered and we kicked up the pitocin a notch or two (or several more) to see if we could get some stronger contractions. After about another 90 minutes, I was nearly maxed out on my pitocin dosage and still sitting at one freakin centimeter. It was pretty clear a cesarean was needed.
Have I also mentioned how awesome my OB is? Jessica was my second support person and photographer and we all know that people allowed in to surgery is very limited so I was afraid she wouldn't be able to come in. Well, since she has a L & D background, aside from just being an overall wickedly cool gal, my doc talked to the anesthesiologist and they agreed to allow her in. So not only did I have my Pookie - who is my ROCK - I also had Jessica as well. I will admit when
After some trimming and cutting and pushing and pulling, we had our Little Ricky. He went straight to the warmer and Dad trimmed the cord. What was surely a few minutes felt like an eternity before I was able to actually see him. It was amazing, he is amazing. He is perfect.....just perfect.
So Ricky and Dad were off to the surgery recovery room to wait on me while they finished everything and there I was.....all alone. Well, a zillion doctors, but no Pookie, no baby. That freaked the crap out of me and I started shaking all over again. That is until Dr Feelgood kicked in with a great sedative that actually knocked me out. I slept through the majority of the stitching up. About five minutes later I was wheeled into recovery and there was Dad and Ricky.
Oh my heavens! This was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. My big, strong husband, gazing adoringly at his new son, our new son. It was unlike anything I have ever seen in my life. It was what I have been waiting for all these years. It was absolute perfection.
Ricky was brought to me and believe it or not, he latched on immediately. From what I hear, from the time he came out his lips were moving all over the place and he was rooting around with that little tongue of his. We are still working on the breastfeeding thing and there have been a couple challenges but overall things are staying positive.
I had no idea I could love someone so much and that one event could complete me in a way I never thought possible. This all consuming thing called motherhood is like no other experience. I highly recommend it to everyone. Yes indeed......Three IS a magic number!
Oh Nita,
What a beauiful story with a gorgeous ending.
I love the new family picture.
There have been very few times in my life that I have been left speechless... This is one of them. Bearing witness to your birth was by far one of the most awesome moments of my life. I could not feel more blessed to have been with you during your journey, as well as having had the opportunity to capture this occasion for you on film... Your family will always hold a very special place in my heart and we all love you very much. Congratulations...
He's beautiful, and sucking his fingers already!
Welcome to motherhood! Your going to be so supprised how fast this newborn stage is going to be over.
I'm all done with newborns now that my baby is almost 6 months old - let me just tell you, they get more enjoyable every week . . more fun. You'll see!
I'm here from the party - nice to meet you and get some sleep.
Such a precious bundle of love! Praise the Lord for His goodness!
I'm inviting you to party with me!
Win some chocolate from my-sister-in-law and I...we blog about CHOCOLATE...me from Australia...and her from Michigan. Here's the link: http://thechocolistas.blogspot.com/2008/03/ultimate-blog-party-2008.html
What am I doing in Australia? I married an Aussie...and moved to Brisbane, leaving my family and friends and all the right-side-of-the-road drivers in America.
Win a handmade pocket place mat from my blog Comfort Joy Designs. Here's the link:
Want to know more about life in Australia? Visit my A Cup of Joy site where I keep up with my family and friends in America. Here's the link:
Happy Partying!
I so can't wait to find my Magic #! You and Rick are going to be Awesome parents! Enjoy every moment of it! Luv you all!
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