Friday, August 14, 2009

Leavin' on a Jet Plane...

Not really, we're taking the car.

So I'm heading back to Ohio to visit with the fams and such. My Mom came in on Tuesday to take care of Ricky since my sitter went on vaca. Things have been going well and it worked out nicely because now I don't have to make that long drive to Ohio with Ricky by myself.

We plan to visit with Grandma Rosie (Ricky's Great-Grandma), head to a high school family picnic and see some old friends, maybe take in some of the water in a friends pool. All around general merriment basically. Hopefully I will have ton of pics when I get back.

Which reminds me, must grab the camera. I suppose I should get the packing done since we're leaving in like an hour or so.

And um, this week kinda kicked by a$$ at work. Too tired to blog at the end of the day.

Take care peeps! Catch up with ya sometime next week.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Have a great trip!

We are leaving on Tuesday - next weekend to go to Birmingham to visit the in-laws.

The pool is open until mid-Sept. so e-mail me soon so we can reschedule our pool date. =)